Harriet made her presence know from the first minute in the whelping box. She is a ringleader and always has her troop at her back and call. Harriet’s wonderful personality made her lots of fun to show. A puppy in-group winner, a breed winner at the tender age of six months. Looking at Harriet approaching ringside, it is hard to believe what a showgirl she was, she basically sloughed along looking like she wanted to be anywhere except at the show. However, as soon as she stepped through the entrance into the ring, the “princess” performed, her act was like night and day. Harriet always had her circle of admirers, which she dutifully performed for.
I have never seen a dog able to control her litter mates by just wrinkling her brow. It seemed so unusual that a wrinkle would appear and the rest of her siblings would walk away letting her have first dibs on all the food.
Harriet such a character, called after the "Sooty and Sweep" puppeteer Harry Corbett because of the funny squeaky noises made as a baby, Harriet also affectionately known as Hanratty in her more evil moments (after the UK Moors murderer James Hanratty) it should give you some insight into her character.
Harriet was a fabulous mother, passing on her humour and wickedness to her children.
Harriet's US title hunt was cut short (although she is major pointed) when she suffered an intersuseption which resulted in the removal of 19 inches of intestines. It took quite a while to recoup from the surgery and to get bowel control back, all for a tiny piece of surveyors tape from a neighbours fence. However, once recovered she didn't look back, I just preferred to keep her to a strict routine at home. Despite all this Harriet went on to have another litter which produced another special dog Ciaran.
DOB August 27, 1989 - 2001
Hips BVA/HD 4:9
Am. Ch. McMurphy Make Mne Scotch | ||
Am. Can Ch. Bramblebush Cognac O'Arcadia | ||
Am. Ch. Bramblebush Summer Breeze | ||
Ch. Sassenach H. Corbett | ||
Am. Ch. Rockaplenty's Real McCoy CD | ||
Am.Can. Ch. McErin California Dreamer CD | ||
Am. Can. Ch. Clansmen Witchcraft |
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