Roz left us in less than twelve hours after a very sudden illness. It still hurts to think about how fragile life is and how much Roz is missed. We still had lots of places to go and things to do together.
August 19, 2007 - October 25, 2011
DOB August 19, 2007
DNA V512657
Hips BVA Scored
PRA rcd-4 Tested CLEAR
Ch. Sandpiper's Shore Enough | ||
Ch. Sandpiper's Brynbar For Damn Shore JH | ||
Ch. Sandpiper's Shesellseashells | ||
Ch. Sandpiper's High Tide | ||
Ch. Sandpiper's Castles By The Sea | ||
Ch. Sandpiper's Catch The Wave JH | ||
Ch. Sandpiper's Windswept Sea |
Rozamund wins the Am Bred class GSCA National Canfield Ohio June 2011
RWB for the Am Bred class at the GSCA National Specialty, Greeley, Colorado, June 10, 2010!
Certainly it was worth the wait for Rozamund to grow up a little. Out for the weekend at the Calgary shows, Rozamund was WB the first two days to finish her title. Moved up to specials for the last day Rozamund was BOS. Now onto rally obedience. Rozamund is maturing nicely. I have learnt over time to be patient with how different dogs grow. Only out one weekend in 2009 Rozamund picked up WB at the Manitoba Sporting Dog Specialty under judge Ed Biven. Rozamund is a chatterbox with or without her mouth full, she has to have the last word on things. Easy to have around and good buddies with everyone.
Rozamund is enjoying her new playmate Islay. The first couple of days Islay was here Roz did think she was some kind of wind up toy especially for her, but as Islay has settled Roz has taken on the role of big sister. She will gently play tug of war or keep away with Islay, she doesn't mind in the least having a constant shadow at her side.
Roz had a great time in California for Christmas. Playing with things in the garden that were never designed to be played with. Both Roz and Jewel created some lovely electrical repairs on the landscaping lighting to keep Chris busy during his vacation. As always Roz had fun at the show in Palm Springs and was extremely happy to win some toys to take home with her.
I really beleive that Roz is legally blonde. She loves the simple things in life and is very attracted to things that shine.
Still for a second
Roz - What can I get up to next! Rozamund showing Islay the way
I have had Roz out to two sets of shows. In Canada she picked up five points towards her championship as a puppy. In the US she has only attended the National in Gettysburg where she placed second in the 12-18 month class. Roz might like the simple things in life, but when it comes to applause and admiration, she certainly is front and centre. Roz is a neat dog to live with and does some wonderful bow playing and woo wooing both at home and in the ring. She even manages to sing while her mouth is stuffed with toys, you can barely see her in bed as she collects all the toys at bed time and places them carefully around her to sleep with.
Roz is a princess who doesn't like to get her feet wet! Preferring to stay on the bank and watch the others play in the river. Even with me going in and coaxing she prefers dry land. Although she did approach some fishermen to see if she could catch a ride in their boat. So Roz always thinking of her comfort.
Rozamund in study mode
Rozamund is another late riser in the house and can even put Lillie to shame. Roz is the last one up each morning and the last to put her nose outside. Everyone else is already on the second circuit in the paddock as she pokes her nose through the dog door.
Roz loves to play Tug O War
Roz loves to sing and will follow me around while I do daily kennel clean up with her lips all puckered and emiting her woo, woos. I beleive Roz understands she has come to live in cowboy country as she proactices her bucking bronco routine around the yard and in the field. She'll never be a speed demon like her sidekick Tonka but beleives in slow and steady with a possible nap along the way. Roz is one laid back puppy and is a joy to have around. I am more used to the energiser bunny types which are only still while asleep. Roz may make a debut into the puppy ring if she can muster up the energy or she may just wait until the US National in September. We will keep you posted.
The New Arrival
Rozamund is the latest arrival at Sassenach. We met up at the Olympia Spa and Resort in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Rozamund was only seven weeks old at the time so was confined to the hotel room and a large crate, with the occasional trip outside being carried as both Janice and I were concerned about her being out and about so young with only an initial vacination.
Rozamund handled life in the hotel very easily, indicating when she had to use the bathroom and exploring everything in her new world. When it came time to leave for home Rozamund had another week under her belt, however we were still extremely cautious on where she was allowed to go. Travelling like a seasoned show dog, she was an extremly easy puppy.
Rozamund was with us a good two and a half weeks before actually getting an official call name, we needed to live with her and get to know her character. She started off as Stevie, which lasted maybe a day and I was concerned the nickname of Junior Muncher would stick forever. The choice of registered names has changed quite a bit as well before settling on this one. My instructions were it had to be related to the ocean, but finding an original name that I liked that couldn't be twisted around was a harder task than I first envisioned.
Rozamund is a very intellegent puppy, she was shown once how to use the dog door and now she owns it. She has figured out who she needs to suck up to and can be seen playing and hanging out with Chris in the evenings. Roz loves the sound of her voice and likes to sing while bouncing on the spot like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. A very entertaining puppy who has huge pawprints to follow. Rozamund's father Hummer was Winners Dog at the 2007 GSCA National and she has numerous grandparents who are winners at Nationals such as Ch Sandpiper's Making Waves, Ch. Sandpiper's Seawitch , Ch Sandpiper's Castles by the Sea, Ch Sandpiper's Shesellsseashells.
Roz the snow devil April 2008
Can't catch me!
Roz is learning all about cold days and snow, but it certainly doesn't bother her when friends come over to play. She's especially fond of her English setter buddy Tag.
Roz's First US National at 7 weeks. Crossing to the other side
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