This group picture was taken at the 2018 National Specialty in Tuscon AZ, the brood bitch class where we placed 1st and 2nd.
The dogs picture in the photo are from L to R
Am Ch Can GCh. Sassenach Knight's Caisteal FDJ RATI (Islay age 9.75)
Sassenach Oakisle Skywalker (Luke, who needs a major to finish)
Am Ch Sassenach Oakisle Skyfall (Maddie, who needs a single to finish her CKC title)
Oakisle Sassenach Castle Guard (Cas, at 11 months)
Cascades Ceilidgh of Oakisle and Sassenach (Isla, at 11 months)
This cartoon sketch was done by McCartney, it portrays Ch Sassenach a la Gooseberry (Sapphire) and Ch Sassenach Amos Gooseberry (Amos). Over the years there has been too many nice comments about this not to transfer it from the old website
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